Sunday, 3 May 2015

Awesome Of The Week | 30 day photo challenge.

I've been meaning to try harder with my photography for a long time now in the hopes that I might gain some sort of skills in taking, understanding and editing photos!

Let's be honest we all know the only effective way to genuinely get better at something is by, well, doing it. I researched some ideas to enforce taking photos on a regular basis and my favourite was definitely the challenges that people come up with.

I came across a 30 day challenge which fits so perfectly into this month (after missing the first day.....) and knew I had to try my hand at it.
I'll be uploading each day to my Instagram but will also do weekly updates on here so you don't even need to go over to a different site if you don't want to. Look at me being all thoughtful for you.

My Instagram -

Original challenge -


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