Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Tunes For Tuesday | Shine by Laura Izibor.

This weeks TFT (or TFW as it's a day late!) really connected with me because I'm in a bit of a strange place in my life right now.

I am unsure of my job, what I'm doing with my time and generally wanting to do more and not being able to - it's infuriating.
I'm hoping to change things up in my life soon and it will be that much easier to do when I can drive, which in case you didn't already know I don't yet. Basically I'm extremely unsettled and this song helped me so much when it came on the other day.

If you are possibly feeling the same way or just like feel good songs that make you want to get up and do something you might enjoy listening to this one. You may also recognise it from a Special K advert a little while back!


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