Friday, 17 June 2016

Going Back to School.

I never thought I'd want to be a teacher, then a friend suggested it to me and got me to go to her school for 2 weeks to experience what it was like.

I have gone back and forth on a lot of career options but none have stuck for any length of time, I couldn't imagine myself doing them every day of my life. All I knew was I wanted to do something in science.
I have a degree in Biology and have always loved science, I like most aspects of it and that's where the main issue arose. I didn't know how to choose one path, stick to it and stay happy with my choice. Then the aforementioned friend pointed out to me that if I taught it I would have to learn and get involved in all areas of science!

Problem solved.

So I went and bought myself a whole heap of new smart clothes [apparently harem pants and crop tops aren't entirely appropriate....] set up two weeks in the school and became "Miss"!

I've been in a real life rut recently [hence no posts for over 2 months ... soz!] and although I was unsure of how this would turn out I really wanted it to go well so that I might finally have direction in my life. Aaaaaand I loved it! The kids were great, the staff were so friendly and the whole atmosphere was amazing.

So what's the next step? Well I've applied for a PGCE in secondary school science (with Biology), have sent off references and once they're done will wait to hear if any of the universities I've applied to will take me on! Oh and obviously the best bit about this whole plan? NEW STATIONARY PEOPLE!

Fingers crossed that it works out..... and that I don't actually absolutely hate it!


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